What is Puppy Yoga?

Some say it is the latest craze. Others say it is an urban myth. Neither are true. Confused? You will be. While everyone has heard of goat yoga very few have actually done it. Proximity to a herd of goats when living in a busy city is virtually non-existent let alone finding goats who are chilled enough to do yoga with you without butting you with their horns when you’re doing the downward dog. And, seriously, why would anybody do yoga with goats? Puppies on the other hand are cute as hell. Doing anything with a puppy makes that thing you are doing much better. If you have a puppy, or have a friend who has a puppy then doing yoga with it is well within your reach. But, what about those who love animals, dogs in particular, who want to incorporate puppies into their existing yoga class? We all know how hard it is to find a yoga class that works for us, one where the teacher does not go too quickly and actually teaches the moves rather then expecting you to learn by sight alone. So changing a class is really not on the cards is it? At this moment in time the ‘puppy yoga’ craze, although growing in popularity, is not yet at the stage where everyone has access to a puppy yoga class in their area (unless you fancy flying to Toronto - see instagram for details). So, what to do? How can we possibly keep up with the latest craze while not changing our class? To find a solution to this heart-wrenching problem we decided to launch a range that provides yoga and gym gear that is not only made by puppies (?) but also features them on each item of clothing. By owning any item from our ‘Puppy Yoga’ range you will now always have a puppy with you when doing yoga. What more can you ask for? Can we get a 'Hell Yass'?

Check out the range here

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